Unesco, archaeology dept urged to save Buddhist stupa
The glory of Gandhara
Once a hub of Buddhism,
Islander unearths Buddhist relics
Ministry of Culture aims to teach Thai youths about 5 precepts via the short film
Ministry of Culture aims to teach Thai youths about 5 precepts via the short film.
Letter of Explanation - Mes Aynak
Afghan Ambassador in Pakistan informed the attitude of Afghan Government that the government is willing to preserve the ancient Buddhist Place "Mes Aynak."
Press Conference of the Morning Alms Round at Terminal 21 Shopping Mall
The participants of the Morning Alms Round at Terminal 21 Shopping Mall unveil in the press conference about this activity. The Morning Alms Round will be held on July 7th, 2012.
1.The Parent-Child Relationship # 6
Passing on their heritage to them in due course: In non-Buddhist countries, where social values dictate that sons and daughters shouldn’t expect to look after their parents in their old age
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinates with Afghanistan to delay the destruction of Mes Aynak
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinates with Afghanistan to delay the destruction of Mes Aynak.
Dhammachai Dhutanga 2012
Why do we arrange this dhutanga? Who will get the benefit from it? Who participate to arrange it?